Ashland Church of the Open Bible
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Purpose/ Vision

Here we will explain the purpose and vision of our church.

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Our Purpose

Our purpose is to B.U.I.L.D.  The kingdon of God in and around Ashland, Ohio.

B-  Bring lost people to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Building bridges on which Jesus can walk into the hearts of the lost. (Mission)  

U-  Unite as a family of believers. Building lines of communication, compassion, and cohesiveness between believer. (Fellowship)  

I-  Identify individual gifts, talents, and ministries.  Building a sense of worth in believers as they begin t utilize the abilities they have to fulfill their purpose in life.         

L-  Learning.  Building the knowledge of the Word and the wisdon of it's  application to every believer.   

D-  Dedication.  Building the commitment between every believer and:    1)Christ  2)His Church 3)The Lost


Our Vision  

Our Vision is to become a place of safety for hurting and desperate people. To be a place where all people can find a place of encouragement and growth, love, and forgiveness as each has need.

Our Vision is to share the Good News with the thousands of people living in Ashland / Richland / Medina County area.

Our Vision is to grow a church of 250 members. A church family who enjoy each others company ans spend more than Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings together.

Our Vision is to assist every believer in their quest to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ through Bible Study, Small Groups, Seminars, Retreats and Bible School.

Our Vision is to equip every believer for a significant ministry.  By helping each to Discover, Develop, and Deploy their own gifts and talents they find their purpose in ministry and become a vital part of the church body.

Our Vision is to release equipped ministers into the harvest field in order to fulfull the great commission. This includes full and part time missionaries in the foreign field, the inner cities of Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnatti; as well as nursing homes, jails, and hospitals locally.

522 Ashland Ave. Ashland, OH 44805 (419)281-8534