Ashland Church of the Open Bible
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What We Believe

     The Bible is God's word, and accurate and reliable authority by which we know what to believe and how to live.  It is our source and inspiration for why we exist as a church movement.
     There is one God eternally present in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is te virgin-born Son of God who lived a sinless life. He performed miracles, died sacrificially on the cross for our sins, was raised from the dead and ascended to Heaven. There He remains at the right hand of the Father until His personal return. All people are sinful by nature but can obtain forgiveness for sins and recieve salvation through Jesus Christ, who alone makes us right with God. Through Jesus Christ we can recieve spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental healing.
     The Holy Spirit has power to change us from what we were before salvation and to live what the Bible teaches. Believers can recieve and enablement of power through the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The initial evidence of having recieved the baptism in the holy Spirit is speaking in tongues. To be Spirit-filled means living a life marked my holiness of heart and action. 
     Upon the return of Jesus Christ, all people will recieve their just eternal reward. Those who have accepted God's salvation by recieving jesus Christ as his Son will live forever in Heaven. Those who have not accepted God's salvation from eternal damnation will forever live in torment away from Him.
     All who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and God's Son are members of God's family.  A spirit of loving community and mutual respect among his family members from all churches and movements pleases God.

522 Ashland Ave. Ashland, OH 44805 (419)281-8534